
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Holtberg. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Holtberg, Albert December 1860 30 August 1950 Bard, Matilda  
Holtberg, Albert 24 December 1860 30 August 1950 Bard, Matilda  
Holtberg, Alice 1906     Holtberg, Albert Bard, Matilda
Holtberg, Dick 1907     Holtberg, Albert Bard, Matilda
Holtberg, Gladys 20 February 1903 30 April 1980   Holtberg, Albert Bard, Matilda
Holtberg, Oscar Burdette 15 January 1900 10 January 1986   Holtberg, Albert Bard, Matilda
Holtberg, Wesley Albert 17 March 1896 30 August 1963 Broderson, Clara Katherine Holtberg, Albert Bard, Matilda
Holtberg, [Living]       Holtberg, Wesley Albert Broderson, Clara Katherine
Holtberg, [Living]       Holtberg, Wesley Albert Broderson, Clara Katherine