
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Tate. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Tate, Agnes 1 March 1768 1782 Mitchell, John Tait, George Scoby, Jennet
Tate, Catherine 1802 26 December 1885   Tate, James Nelson, Margaret Lettie
Tate, Celia 28 July 1803 9 January 1872 Pettigrew, Thomas Grant Tate, George Woods, Nancy
Tate, Cicillia 8 June 1777 1867   Tait, Thomas Sinclair, Katherine
Tate, Daniel       Tate, George Woods, Nancy
Tate, David 1795 December 1852   Tate, James Nelson, Margaret Lettie
Tate, Elizabeth 1765 1830 Reed, John Tait, George Scoby, Jennet
Tate, Elizabeth 1797 December 1837   Tate, James Nelson, Margaret Lettie
Tate, George 1767 1842 Woods, Nancy Tait, George Scoby, Jennet
Tate, George W 5 January 1790 19 July 1853   Tate, James Nelson, Margaret Lettie
Tate, James 1760 1838 Nelson, Margaret Lettie Tait, George Scoby, Jennet
Tate, James 1788     Tate, James Nelson, Margaret Lettie
Tate, Jennet 1768 1822 Nelson, John Tait, George Scoby, Jennet
Tate, John 18 February 1818   Hampton, Caroline Tate, George Woods, Nancy
Tate, Ketturah (Beatrice) 1757   Nelson, Samuel Tait, George Scoby, Jennet
Tate, Lemuel S. 1786 24 October 1843   Tate, James Nelson, Margaret Lettie
Tate, Lettice 7 July 1765 15 July 1848 Allen, William, Tait, George Scoby, Jennet
Tate, Magnus 1765     Tait, Thomas Sinclair, Katherine
Tate, Margaret 1773 1806 Allen, George Tait, George Scoby, Jennet
Tate, Margaret 22 February 1804 22 February 1828   Tate, James Nelson, Margaret Lettie
Tate, Mary Polly 1 March 1760 1817 Mitchell, Andrew Tait, George Scoby, Jennet
Tate, Nicol 22 October 1774 1831   Tait, Thomas Sinclair, Katherine
Tate, Peter 1760     Tait, Thomas Sinclair, Katherine
Tate, Robert 1808   Long Tate, George Woods, Nancy
Tate, Samuel Nelson 1799 29 January 1856   Tate, James Nelson, Margaret Lettie
Tate, Thomas 1762 2 January 1834   Tait, Thomas Sinclair, Katherine
Tate, William 4 August 1768 1 October 1826   Tait, Thomas Sinclair, Katherine