
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of French. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
French, Anne 20 November 1702 21 November 1733 Gordon, James, Ridgely, Nicholas Greenberry  
French, Daniel 1723 25 May 1771 Manley, Penelope,  
French, Dorothy Frances 12 October 1908 9 March 1953 Frieze, John Richard  
French, Elizabeth 2 October 1773 1816 Dulany, Benjamin Tasker French, Daniel Manley, Penelope
French, John 27 March 1596 25 June 1600 Kingsbury, Sarah  
French, Ruth Leota 18 July 1901 22 October 1998 Gottsch, Charles Julius  
French, Thomas III 1635 14 December 1661 Adams, Mary  
French, William Millard 8 April 1923 14 February 1992 Stewart, Mary Elizabeth (Bette)  
French, [Living]     Hutson, [Living] French, William Millard Stewart, Mary Elizabeth (Bette)
French, [Living]     Adams, [Living], Delcambre, [Living] French, William Millard Stewart, Mary Elizabeth (Bette)