
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Seckford. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Seckford, Bartholomew de about 1230  
Seckford, George de 1357 1401 Jenny, Margaret Seckford, John de , Alice
Seckford, George de 1400 1450 Harte, Alice, Goldingham, Margaret Seckford, George de Jenny, Margaret
Seckford, John de 1265 Hunter, Anne le Vernon Seckford, Bartholomew de
Seckford, John de 1295 1331 Hakeford, Joan de Seckford, John de Hunter, Anne le Vernon
Seckford, John de 1325 1371 , Alice Seckford, John de Hakeford, Joan de
Seckford, Thomas 1447 23 November 1505   Seckford, George de Harte, Alice