
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Troyes. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Troyes, Garnier Warinus I deSens de about 868 6 December 925 Arles, Teutberga of Troyes, Richard Meroving Sens and Auxerre, Adelaide
Troyes, Richard Meroving Sens and 843 885 Auxerre, Adelaide Chaunois, Thierry I 'The Treasurer' Count Autun and Aquitane, Agnes Countess Burgundy Duchess
Troyes, Teutberga 902 966 Vienne, Charles de Provence Comte Constantine de Troyes, Garnier Warinus I deSens de Arles, Teutberga of
Troyes, Teutberge De 900 960 Constantine, Charles