
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Thomasson. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Thomasson, George 1576 10 April 1666 Thomasson, James Nelson, Elizabeth
Thomasson, George 1602 13 February 1666 Hutton, Katherine, Thomasson, George
Thomasson, George 10 November 1703 22 August 1783 Pollard, Mary Thomasson, Thomas Reeves, Genia
Thomasson, James 1522 1609 Nelson, Elizabeth Thomason, Flarswort Flatsworth, Margeret
Thomasson, Thomas February 1645 6 May 1730 Reeves, Genia, Thomasson, George Hutton, Katherine
Thomasson, Thomas 1705 22 August 1783 Minter, Sarah Thomasson, Thomas Reeves, Genia