
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Wemyss. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Wemyss, David 1372 Erskine, Isabel Wemyss, Michael
Wemyss, David 1535 22 February 1595 Ruthven, Cecilia  
Wemyss, Elizabeth 1394 1470 Gray, Andrew Wemyss, John Erskine, Isabel
Wemyss, Isabell 1342 1410 Fraser, Hugh Wemyss, David Erskine, Isabel
Wemyss, John 1368 1429 Erskine, Isabel  
Wemyss, John 1557 27 April 1624 Stewart, Mary,  
Wemyss, Michael 1295 1342