
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Wessex. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Wessex, Aethelhelm of 898 England, Ealhswith Alswith “Temple Strength”of Mercia and Gaini Queen of Wessex, Aethelred De I King , Wulfthryth
Wessex, Aethelred De I King 843 23 April 871 , Wulfthryth West Saxon, Aethelwulf of Wessex, Osburga of
Wessex, Ceawlin of 547 593 Ceawlin of Wessex, Wife of Wessex, Cynric of
Wessex, Cedda of 590 Wessex, Cuthwine of Cuthwine of Wessex, Wife of
Wessex, Cenred of 644 694 , Lady [Cenred] Wessex, Ceolwald of , Fafertach
Wessex, Ceolwald of 622 713 , Fafertach Cuthwulf, Cutha
Wessex, Ceowald of 626     Wessex, Cutha Cathwulf of
Wessex, Cerdic de King 467 534 Van Wessex, Wihtgar Sachsen, Elesa de , Ysaive
Wessex, Coenberht of   593   Wessex, Cedda of
Wessex, Cutha Cathwulf of 592 Wessex, Cuthwine of Cuthwine of Wessex, Wife of
Wessex, Cuthwine of 564 593 Cuthwine of Wessex, Wife of Wessex, Ceawlin of Ceawlin of Wessex, Wife of
Wessex, Cynebald 585     Wessex, Cuthwine of Cuthwine of Wessex, Wife of
Wessex, Cynric of 525 560 Atheling, Creoda Crioda
Wessex, Egbert of King of England about 784 June 839 Autun of Wessex, Redburga de , Ealhmund Under-King of Kent , Lady Ealhmund
Wessex, Elfrida of about 865 7 June 929 Vlaanderen, Boudewijn of II , Alfred the Great Giani, Ealhswith Mucill of
Wessex, Ethelhelm of Archbishop 859   , Aethelbald Wessex, Wulfthryth Of
Wessex, Osburga of 810 856 West Saxon, Aethelwulf of Oslac, Earl , Lady Oslac
Wessex, Wulfthryth Of 827 870 , Aethelbald