
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Hungerford. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Hungerford, Katherine 1430 12 May 1493 West, Richard, Hungerford, Robert Botreaux, Margaret
Hungerford, Robert 1409 18 May 1459 Botreaux, Margaret Hungerford, Walter Peverell, Katherine
Hungerford, Robert 1429 18 May 1464 Moleyns, Eleanor de Hungerford, Robert Botreaux, Margaret
Hungerford, Thomas 1330 3 December 1397 Hussey, Joan Hungerford, Walter FitzJohn, Elizabeth
Hungerford, Walter 1308 1359 FitzJohn, Elizabeth  
Hungerford, Walter 22 June 1378 9 August 1449 Berkeley, Alianore Ellanora, Peverell, Katherine Hungerford, Thomas Hussey, Joan