
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Whitwell. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Whitwell, Andrew Jackson 30 July 1832 24 December 1893 Pope, Araminta Adeline, Hufstedler, Alsey Whitwell, William Curry, Rebecca
Whitwell, Daniel A. 17 May 1823 17 May 1852 Horner, Nancy Sarah Whitwell, William Curry, Rebecca
Whitwell, Elizabeth 13 December 1819 25 July 1908 Moore, James Thomas Whitwell, William Curry, Rebecca
Whitwell, Jesse Curry 14 September 1825 1 September 1890 Pope, Mahalia Whitwell, William Curry, Rebecca
Whitwell, Mary Polly 8 April 1821 1870   Whitwell, William Curry, Rebecca
Whitwell, Nancy 9 November 1827 1 June 1907 Dudley, Andrew Jackson Whitwell, William Curry, Rebecca
Whitwell, Rebecca Caroline 27 April 1839 11 March 1892 Randel, Nacy Meek Whitwell, William Curry, Rebecca
Whitwell, Sarah A. 19 January 1837 1883 Lomax, Thomas, Murray, John T Whitwell, William Curry, Rebecca
Whitwell, William 30 April 1799 31 July 1877 Curry, Rebecca  
Whitwell, William Carroll 15 November 1834 20 December 1915 , Mary F. Whitwell, William Curry, Rebecca
Whitwell, Willis H. 1 October 1829 27 August 1887 Horner, Mary Jane Whitwell, William Curry, Rebecca