This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Steele. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name | Birth | Death | Partner | Parents |
Steele, Elijah Newton | 23 February 1866 | 3 January 1948 | Hix, Japthina Matilda, | |
Steele, Frank | 1874 | 3 December 1920 | Fike, Emma Ruby | |
Steele, Hannah “Hattie” | 1 June 1853 | 12 May 1948 | Crow, Scott Theophuis Lameroux (Name Change) | |
Steele, James Samuel | 10 February 1896 | 15 January 1987 | , Grace, Reichenbach, Elsie Marie | Steele, Elijah Newton Hix, Japthina Matilda |
Steele, Matthew | 1650 | 1679 | Whetstone, Restitute | |
Steele, Thomas | 1675 | 1695 | Steele, Matthew Whetstone, Restitute | |
Steele, [Living] | Steele, James Samuel Reichenbach, Elsie Marie |