
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Steele. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Steele, Elijah Newton 23 February 1866 3 January 1948 Hix, Japthina Matilda,  
Steele, Frank 1874 3 December 1920 Fike, Emma Ruby  
Steele, Hannah “Hattie” 1 June 1853 12 May 1948 Crow, Scott Theophuis Lameroux (Name Change)  
Steele, James Samuel 10 February 1896 15 January 1987 , Grace, Reichenbach, Elsie Marie Steele, Elijah Newton Hix, Japthina Matilda
Steele, Matthew 1650 1679 Whetstone, Restitute  
Steele, Thomas 1675 1695   Steele, Matthew Whetstone, Restitute
Steele, [Living]       Steele, James Samuel Reichenbach, Elsie Marie