
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Prentice. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Prentice, Alphy Omega 9 December 1905 21 July 1989 Barnes, Roenia Marie Prentice, David Isaac Cranford, Allissa Elizabeth
Prentice, Columbus E. 20 December 1893 29 January 1929 Arnold, Gladys M. Prentice, David Isaac Cranford, Allissa Elizabeth
Prentice, Cora Victoria 10 September 1903 19 February 1999 Cato, Dreyfus Newton Prentice, David Isaac Cranford, Allissa Elizabeth
Prentice, David Isaac 19 August 1861 1 January 1911 Cranford, Allissa Elizabeth Prentice, Samuel Wesley Cates, Malinda
Prentice, David Samuel Bud 28 June 1847 18 October 1916 Nabours, Jane Caroline Prentice, Samuel Wesley Cates, Malinda
Prentice, James Franklin 3 January 1857 25 February 1924 Nabors, Martha Jane Prentice, Samuel Wesley Cates, Malinda
Prentice, John T. 1843     Prentice, Samuel Wesley Cates, Malinda
Prentice, Laura F. 1846     Prentice, Samuel Wesley Cates, Malinda
Prentice, Mary C. 1841     Prentice, Samuel Wesley Cates, Malinda
Prentice, Pricely 13 January 1901 20 November 1968 , [Living], Cook, Ora Prentice, David Isaac Cranford, Allissa Elizabeth
Prentice, Richard Lincoln 6 December 1898 12 December 1976 , [Living], Bible, Gladys Georgia, Turner, Lillie May Prentice, David Isaac Cranford, Allissa Elizabeth
Prentice, Samuel Louis 13 September 1895 7 March 1980 Jones, Eula Prentice, David Isaac Cranford, Allissa Elizabeth
Prentice, Samuel Wesley 20 January 1809 18 October 1901 Griffin, Jane Morrow, Cates, Malinda