This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Ray. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name | Birth | Death | Partner | Parents |
Ray | 26 December 1884 | September 1955 | Roush, Alice | |
Ray, George Everett | 1893 | 1950 | Karr, Hattie Dell | |
Ray, James | 1796 | October 1879 | Holmes, Mary | |
Ray, James Berry | 29 April 1858 | 23 July 1923 | Knox, Harriet Melinda | |
Ray, Joan | 1574 | 1640 | Hammond, Simon Symon | |
Ray, Mary | 1791 | 1870 | Osborn, Jeremiah | |
Ray, Nellie R | 18 December 1885 | 25 December 1972 | Petersen, Peter X. | |
Ray, Thomas Alfred | October 1819 | 4 September 1858 | Sturgis, Martha Ann | |
Ray, William Evermont | 21 October 1822 | 11 October 1903 | Scott, Sarah, Van Note, Mary C. |