
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Ray. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Ray 26 December 1884 September 1955 Roush, Alice  
Ray, George Everett 1893 1950 Karr, Hattie Dell  
Ray, James 1796 October 1879 Holmes, Mary  
Ray, James Berry 29 April 1858 23 July 1923 Knox, Harriet Melinda  
Ray, Joan 1574 1640 Hammond, Simon Symon  
Ray, Mary 1791 1870 Osborn, Jeremiah  
Ray, Nellie R 18 December 1885 25 December 1972 Petersen, Peter X.  
Ray, Thomas Alfred October 1819 4 September 1858 Sturgis, Martha Ann  
Ray, William Evermont 21 October 1822 11 October 1903 Scott, Sarah, Van Note, Mary C.