
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Price. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Price 1542    
Price, A. 1760   Cann, Robert  
Price, Florence Leona Katherine February 1877 3 July 1948 Hoyleman, John Lorenzo  
Price, Gail Eugene 17 June 1914 4 April 1968 Butler, Phyllis Jane  
Price, Gracie Mae 5 December 1907 30 September 2000 Crow, Ralph Raymond  
Price, James 1800   Cann, Pheobe  
Price, Jettie Opal 10 November 1907 2 February 1999 Luallen, William Vance Price, Walter Granville Bryan, Della
Price, John Hyland 16 October 1796 1827 Cann, Rachel  
Price, Leta Mea 17 May 1915 3 July 1997 Rupprecht, Elmer Charles Price, Walter Granville Bryan, Della
Price, Mary 1562 1621 Button, Thomas Price
Price, Mary 1810   Cann, Francis  
Price, Odie Granville 19 April 1903 2 November 1978 Harbour, Clara Katie Price, Walter Granville Bryan, Della
Price, Percula Proculah Peguila 1764 1824 Spicer, James  
Price, Polly 1797   Van Note, Thomas  
Price, Roy Lee 26 June 1901 5 October 1989 , [Living] Price, Walter Granville Bryan, Della
Price, Stella Fae 6 June 1905 Keith, Kramer Howard Price, Walter Granville Bryan, Della
Price, Walter Granville 30 July 1875 29 June 1952 Bryan, Della  
Price, Walter Vernon 1 November 1909 23 August 2006 , [Living] Price, Walter Granville Bryan, Della
Price, [Living]     Wiley, [Living]