
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Guildford. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Guildford, Anne 1411 5 January 1485 Darell, William Guildford, Edward Pitlesden, Julian De
Guildford, Bennet 1455 1521   Guildford, John Waller, Alice
Guildford, Edward 14 July 1385 July 1449 Pitlesden, Julian De Guildford, William De Halden, Joan De
Guildford, Edward 1474 1534   Guildford, Richard DePympe, Anne
Guildford, Elizabeth 1453 1521   Guildford, John Waller, Alice
Guildford, Elizabeth 1475     Guildford, Richard DePympe, Anne
Guildford, Frederick 1480     Guildford, Richard DePympe, Anne
Guildford, George 1475 4 June 1534 Mortimer, Elizabeth Guildford, Richard DePympe, Anne
Guildford, John 1420 14 July 1493 Saint Ledger, Philippa, Waller, Alice Guildford, Edward Pitlesden, Julian De
Guildford, John 1510 5 July 1564 West, Barbara  
Guildford, Maria 1487 1525 Hawte, William Guildford, Richard DePympe, Anne
Guildford, Richard 1455 28 September 1506 Vaux, Joan, DePympe, Anne Guildford, John Waller, Alice
Guildford, Thomas 1533 15 June 1574 Shelley, Elizabeth Guildford, John West, Barbara
Guildford, Thomasine 1460 17 November 1483   Guildford, John Waller, Alice
Guildford, William De 1348 4 September 1394 Halden, Joan De  
Guildford, William de 8 April 1348 4 September 1394 Halden, Joan  
Guildford, [Living]       Guildford, Richard Vaux, Joan