
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Blythe. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Blythe, Ann 27 March 1771 12 February 1837 Osborn, Jeremiah Blythe, James Riggs, Marcy Elizabeth
Blythe, Christopher 1652 1706 Podd, Sarah  
Blythe, James 1728 1803 Riggs, Marcy Elizabeth Blythe (Bly Blye Blythers), William W. Champion, Elizabeth
Blythe, James 1774 1819 McElroy, Betsy Blythe, James Riggs, Marcy Elizabeth
Blythe, James 1796 1878   Blythe, John Ricketts, Sally
Blythe, James 28 November 1808 14 December 1897   Blythe, Jesse B. Williams, Susanna
Blythe, James William 24 July 1813 29 October 1903   Blythe, William Orr, Mary
Blythe, Jennet Riggs 1748 15 October 1828 Morris, Gideon Francis Blythe, James Riggs, Marcy Elizabeth
Blythe, Jesse B. 3 March 1775 7 December 1838 Williams, Susanna Blythe, James Riggs, Marcy Elizabeth
Blythe, John 1759 1804 Ricketts, Sally Blythe, James Riggs, Marcy Elizabeth
Blythe, John 14 January 1799 19 June 1868 Orr, Mary Blythe, John Ricketts, Sally
Blythe, Robert Orr 1 June 1811 21 January 1866   Blythe, William Orr, Mary
Blythe, Thomas 1748 1823   Blythe (Bly Blye Blythers), William W. Champion, Elizabeth
Blythe, William 1740 29 May 1837   Blythe (Bly Blye Blythers), William W. Champion, Elizabeth
Blythe, William 1784 1818 Orr, Mary Blythe, James Riggs, Marcy Elizabeth