
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Beauclerc. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Beauclerc, Adeliza 1066 8 March 1138 Comte de Blois, Stephen Etienne Henri Normandie, William de The Conqueror Flanders, Mathilda de
Beauclerc, Henry King of England I 21 February 1068 1 December 1135 Corbet, Sybilla, Caenmore, Matilda Maud Eadgyth, Beaumont, Isabel Elizabeth De Normandie, William de The Conqueror Flanders, Mathilda de
Beauclerc, Henry I 1068 1 December 1135 Corbet, Sibyl  
Beauclerc, Rollo Viking Chieftain Gångerolf Göngu Hrólfr 860 932 Bayeux, Poppa de Eysteinsson, Rognvald "The Wise"
Beauclerc, Sibyl Elizabeth 1091 12 July 1122 Fierce, Alexander Beauclerc, Henry I Corbet, Sibyl