
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Castile. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Castile, Alfonso “Pierre-Raimund” VII King of Castile & Leon & Galicia 1 March 1105 21 August 1157 Poland, Richilde, Barcelona, Berenguela Raimundo de Burgundy, Raimund Galicia De Castile, Urraca Alfonsez Princess
Castile, Alfonzo Sanchez VIII The Noble 11 November 1155 6 October 1214 Plantagenet, Eleanor Leonora Alfonsez Castile, Sancho III Ramierez, Blanca Navarre
Castile, Blanca Alphonsa De 23 May 1188 27 November 1252   Castile, Alfonzo Sanchez VIII The Noble Plantagenet, Eleanor Leonora
Castile, Constance de 1354 24 March 1394 Gaunt, John of Duke of Lancaster  
Castile, Constance of 1179     Castile, Alfonzo Sanchez VIII The Noble Plantagenet, Eleanor Leonora
Castile, Eleanor De 25 April 1241 28 November 1290 Plantagenet, Edward I Longshanks I Castile, Ferdinand De III Ponthieu, Johanna De Dammartin De
Castile, Ferdinand 29 November 1189 14 October 1209   Castile, Alfonzo Sanchez VIII The Noble Plantagenet, Eleanor Leonora
Castile, Ferdinand De III 5 August 1201 30 May 1252 Ponthieu, Johanna De Dammartin De Leon, Alfonzo Fernandez De IX King of Leon "The Slobberer" Alfonsez Plantagenet, Berengaria of Castille
Castile, Henry 1184 1184   Castile, Alfonzo Sanchez VIII The Noble Plantagenet, Eleanor Leonora
Castile, Mathilde De 1036 1098 Cham, Rapoto De  
Castile, Matilda 1192 1204   Castile, Alfonzo Sanchez VIII The Noble Plantagenet, Eleanor Leonora
Castile, Sancha 20 March 1182 3 February 1184   Castile, Alfonzo Sanchez VIII The Noble Plantagenet, Eleanor Leonora
Castile, Sanchia 21 September 1154 9 November 1208 Berenger, Alphonso Chaste Aragon Castile, Alfonso "Pierre-Raimund" VII King of Castile & Leon & Galicia Poland, Richilde
Castile, Urraca Alfonsez Princess 1082 8 March 1126 Burgundy, Raimund Galicia De Leon, Alphonso Jimeno Castile El Bravo Burgandy, Constance