This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Castile. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name | Birth | Death | Partner | Parents |
Castile, Alfonso “Pierre-Raimund” VII King of Castile & Leon & Galicia | 1 March 1105 | 21 August 1157 | Poland, Richilde, Barcelona, Berenguela Raimundo de | Burgundy, Raimund Galicia De Castile, Urraca Alfonsez Princess |
Castile, Alfonzo Sanchez VIII The Noble | 11 November 1155 | 6 October 1214 | Plantagenet, Eleanor Leonora | Alfonsez Castile, Sancho III Ramierez, Blanca Navarre |
Castile, Blanca Alphonsa De | 23 May 1188 | 27 November 1252 | Castile, Alfonzo Sanchez VIII The Noble Plantagenet, Eleanor Leonora | |
Castile, Constance de | 1354 | 24 March 1394 | Gaunt, John of Duke of Lancaster | |
Castile, Constance of | 1179 | Castile, Alfonzo Sanchez VIII The Noble Plantagenet, Eleanor Leonora | ||
Castile, Eleanor De | 25 April 1241 | 28 November 1290 | Plantagenet, Edward I Longshanks I | Castile, Ferdinand De III Ponthieu, Johanna De Dammartin De |
Castile, Ferdinand | 29 November 1189 | 14 October 1209 | Castile, Alfonzo Sanchez VIII The Noble Plantagenet, Eleanor Leonora | |
Castile, Ferdinand De III | 5 August 1201 | 30 May 1252 | Ponthieu, Johanna De Dammartin De | Leon, Alfonzo Fernandez De IX King of Leon "The Slobberer" Alfonsez Plantagenet, Berengaria of Castille |
Castile, Henry | 1184 | 1184 | Castile, Alfonzo Sanchez VIII The Noble Plantagenet, Eleanor Leonora | |
Castile, Mathilde De | 1036 | 1098 | Cham, Rapoto De | |
Castile, Matilda | 1192 | 1204 | Castile, Alfonzo Sanchez VIII The Noble Plantagenet, Eleanor Leonora | |
Castile, Sancha | 20 March 1182 | 3 February 1184 | Castile, Alfonzo Sanchez VIII The Noble Plantagenet, Eleanor Leonora | |
Castile, Sanchia | 21 September 1154 | 9 November 1208 | Berenger, Alphonso Chaste Aragon | Castile, Alfonso "Pierre-Raimund" VII King of Castile & Leon & Galicia Poland, Richilde |
Castile, Urraca Alfonsez Princess | 1082 | 8 March 1126 | Burgundy, Raimund Galicia De | Leon, Alphonso Jimeno Castile El Bravo Burgandy, Constance |