
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Montferrat. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Montferrat, Alice Adilzsia de 1157 1233 Saluzzo, Manfredo del Vasto di Montferrat, William Guillaume de V Babenberg, Judith de Princess Of Austria
Montferrat, Beatrice (Beatrix) de 1142 1228 Viennois, Guigues V “(Dauphin) Comte de Albon” de Montferrat, William Guillaume de V Babenberg, Judith de Princess Of Austria
Montferrat, Otto of II Marquess of Montferrat about 1015 20 November 1084 Savoy, Constance Of Montferrat, William of III (Count of Vado; Marquess of Montferrat) , Waza
Montferrat, Rainer I De Marquis of Montferrat 1055 May 1135 Bourgogne, Gisela De Countess of Maurienne Montferrat, William de IV D'aglie, Audeotta
Montferrat, William Guillaume de V between 1110 and 1115 1191 Babenberg, Judith de Princess Of Austria Montferrat, Rainer I De Marquis of Montferrat Bourgogne, Gisela De Countess of Maurienne
Montferrat, William de IV 1030 1100 D'aglie, Audeotta Montferrat, Otto of II Marquess of Montferrat Savoy, Constance Of
Montferrat, William of III (Count of Vado; Marquess of Montferrat) 970 1042 , Waza