This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Goodwyn. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name | Birth | Death | Partner | Parents |
Goodwyn, Amy | 1701 | 29 August 1777 | Scott, John, Epes, Isham | Goodwyn, Thomas Harris, Martha Mary |
Goodwyn, John | December 1698 | 1754 | Tucker, Winifred | Goodwyn, Thomas Harris, Martha Mary |
Goodwyn, Penelope | 1711 | 1780 | Taylor, Thomas | Goodwyn, Thomas Harris, Martha Mary |
Goodwyn, Thomas | 1665 | 7 February 1729 | Harris, Martha Mary | |
Goodwyn, Thomas | 1708 | 1799 | Goodwyn, Thomas Harris, Martha Mary | |
Goodwyn, William | 1713 | 1754 | Goodwyn, Thomas Harris, Martha Mary |