
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Abernethy. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Abernethy, Agnes 1520 1534 Crichton, William  
Abernethy, Alexander 1557 10 April 1603 Crichton, Elizabeth Abernethy, Alexander de Lord Saltoun Keith, Alison
Abernethy, Alexander de Lord Saltoun April 1587 Keith, Alison  
Abernethy, Beatrix 1505 1570 Forbes, Alexander  
Abernethy, Elizabeth 1561 1620   Abernethy, Alexander de Lord Saltoun Keith, Alison
Abernethy, James John 1525 1609   Abernethy, Alexander de Lord Saltoun Keith, Alison
Abernethy, John 1577 13 July 1612 Stewart, Elizabeth  
Abernethy, Margaret 1563     Abernethy, Alexander de Lord Saltoun Keith, Alison
Abernethy, Mary 19 November 1355 Leslie, Andrew