Van Hoozer

This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Van Hoozer. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Van Hoozer, Alfred 24 May 1836 8 November 1888 Vaughan, Mary L., O'Dell, Janie, O'Dell, Catherine Van Hoozer, Hugh Callahan, Rebecca
Van Hoozer, George Valentine 14 February 1843 18 April 1927 Hunter, Elizabeth Ann Van Hoozer, Hugh Callahan, Rebecca
Van Hoozer, Hugh 18 August 1797 3 December 1866 Callahan, Rebecca  
Van Hoozer, Hugh L. W. 6 October 1857 9 December 1861   Van Hoozer, Hugh Callahan, Rebecca
Van Hoozer, Isaac Callahan 1826 1876 Parker, Harrett, Bailey, Sarah Elizabeth Van Hoozer, Hugh Callahan, Rebecca
Van Hoozer, John Pleasant 25 July 1831 18 January 1860 Montgomery, Caroline V. Van Hoozer, Hugh Callahan, Rebecca
Van Hoozer, Mary Elizabeth 1842     Van Hoozer, Hugh Callahan, Rebecca
Van Hoozer, Mary Elizabeth 1842     Van Hoozer, Hugh Callahan, Rebecca
Van Hoozer, Mildred Lee 9 November 1894 18 September 1904   Van Hoozer, William Preston Titsworth, Ada
Van Hoozer, Nell Ella Edwina September 1883 January 1966 Baker, Fenner Brown Van Hoozer, William Preston Titsworth, Ada
Van Hoozer, Pleasant 1833     Van Hoozer, Hugh Callahan, Rebecca
Van Hoozer, Rachel 11 November 1775 February 1860 Callahan, William  
Van Hoozer, Rachel Emaline 2 June 1850 30 July 1913 Hill, Franklin Harris Van Hoozer, Hugh Callahan, Rebecca
Van Hoozer, Samuel Callahan 7 May 1839 23 May 1920 Craven, Sarah Catherine Van Hoozer, Hugh Callahan, Rebecca
Van Hoozer, William Preston 9 July 1857 23 September 1925 Titsworth, Ada Van Hoozer, John Pleasant Montgomery, Caroline V.