
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Clarke. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Clarke, Agnes 1482 1548 Crossland, William Clarke, Morton
Clarke, Agnes 1482 1548 Crossland, William  
Clarke, Alice L. 4 July 1858 12 November 1919 Nuckols, Jacob Woodson  
Clarke, Edward Jamestown Immigrant 1630 Haywood, Diane Clarke, John Kerridge Morton, Mary
Clarke, Elizabeth Baret 1564 1650 Barrett, Christopher Mayor  
Clarke, Joan Anne 1570 31 October 1604 Almy, Christopher  
Clarke, John 26 March 1575 1623 Kerrich Keridge, Rose, Kerridge Morton, Mary Clarke, William Walker, Margarett
Clarke, John Edward 15 November 1818 24 October 1889 Jordan, Eliza Browder  
Clarke, Mary E. 4 July 1847 20 January 1943   Clarke, John Edward Jordan, Eliza Browder
Clarke, Morton 1452  
Clarke, William 1553 1624 Walker, Margarett  
Clarke, [Living]     Ramos, [Living]