
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Hardesty. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Hardesty, Anne 1639 1 August 1718 Lingan, George Hardesty, George Fairbrother, Cecilia
Hardesty, Benjamin 1645 UNKNOWN   Hardesty, George Fairbrother, Cecilia
Hardesty, Caleb 1648     Hardesty, George Fairbrother, Cecilia
Hardesty, Cecilia 1653     Hardesty, George Fairbrother, Cecilia
Hardesty, Francis 10 March 1671 23 April 1734 Linthicum, Dorcus, Beard, Ruth Hardesty, Thomas Favill, Mary
Hardesty, Francis 27 February 1707     Hardesty, Francis Beard, Ruth
Hardesty, George 1598   Pierson, Martha  
Hardesty, George 1616 1666 Fairbrother, Cecilia Hardesty, George Pierson, Martha
Hardesty, George 1648 24 January 1694 Lingan, Cicely Ann Hardesty, George Fairbrother, Cecilia
Hardesty, Mary 13 April 1692     Gaither, John Beard, Ruth
Hardesty, Priscilla 1650     Hardesty, George Fairbrother, Cecilia
Hardesty, Rachel 19 April 1687     Gaither, John Beard, Ruth
Hardesty, Robert 23 October 1730 16 May 1790   Hardesty, Francis Linthicum, Dorcus
Hardesty, Thomas 1643   Favill, Mary  
Hardesty, Thomas 1643 1690   Hardesty, George Fairbrother, Cecilia