
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Massey. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Massey, Alice 1339 1380 Stanley, William  
Massey, Diannah Anna 22 May 1822 10 October 1898 Kimberling, Davis, Morris, James Thomas  
Massey, Elizabeth 16 February 1614 1643 Goodloe, Thomas Massy, Thomas Harrison, Marie
Massey, Hammond 1115 1160 Beaumont, Eleanor  
Massey, Moses Elija 2 May 1830 20 June 1858 Spicer, Millie  
Massey, Nancy Jane 1888 10 September 1977 Ussery, Emmet Theodore  
Massey, Roberta 1507 1550 Filkin, John Massey, Thomas De Pontington Beswick, Joan
Massey, Thomas De Pontington 1478 3 April 1528 Beswick, Joan