
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Reid. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Reid, Alice Evelyn 24 November 1890 7 July 1931 Fitch, Loren Daniel Reid, William Rankin Fast, Jennie Maude
Reid, Ethel Almira 5 November 1886 16 December 1945 Jennings, Herbert Leroy Reid, William Rankin Fast, Jennie Maude
Reid, James T. “TJ” about 1836 1868 Hudson, Margaret Louise  
Reid, John Manning 8 May 1888 4 March 1951 Guyer, Martha Salida Reid, William Rankin Fast, Jennie Maude
Reid, Ruth 25 March 1895 30 January 1897   Reid, William Rankin Fast, Jennie Maude
Reid, Sarah 2 July 1841 14 February 1875 Hite, David  
Reid, Thomas G. 25 January 1898 25 June 1916   Reid, William Rankin Fast, Jennie Maude
Reid, William Rankin 8 August 1861 23 April 1938 Fast, Jennie Maude  
Reid, [Living]     Pedersen, Fred Nels