
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Talmadge. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Talmadge, Abigail 13 May 1649 7 May 1718 Osborne, Benjamin  
Talmadge, Daniel 1693 1725   Talmage, Nathaniel Rev. Osborne, Rebecca
Talmadge, Elizabeth Joan 1685 1716   Talmage, Nathaniel Rev. Osborne, Rebecca
Talmadge, Enos 1690 3 April 1723   Talmage, Nathaniel Rev. Osborne, Rebecca
Talmadge, John 1678 21 November 1764   Talmage, Nathaniel Rev. Osborne, Rebecca
Talmadge, Martha 1688 28 July 1708   Talmage, Nathaniel Rev. Osborne, Rebecca