
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Sherburne. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Sherburne, Alice 1402 19 June 1507 Tempest, John Sherburne, Richard (Born Bayley) Stanley, Agnes
Sherburne, John 1245 1272 Carlton, Eva Almertie De  
Sherburne, Katherine 1312 1364 Tempest, John Sherburne, Robert Blackburn, Alice
Sherburne, Margaret 1357 1381 Stonyhurst, Richard De Bayley De, Sherburne, Richard Plumpton, Alicia "Alice" de Baroness Le Boteler
Sherburne, Richard 1330 1361 Plumpton, Alicia “Alice” de Baroness Le Boteler Shireburne, John Shireburne, Margaret
Sherburne, Richard (Born Bayley) 12 October 1381 29 May 1441 Stanley, Agnes Stonyhurst, Richard De Bayley De Sherburne, Margaret
Sherburne, Robert 1277 1342 Blackburn, Alice Sherburne, John Carlton, Eva Almertie De