
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Justice. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Justice, Abraham 12 January 1790 21 December 1859 Stonecipher, Mahattie Justice, Moses , Wife
Justice, Charley O. July 1864 May 1940   Justice, Harvey Templeton, Dovey Amanda
Justice, Claude G 24 January 1907     Justice, Linnaens"Lennie" Loring McCoy, Ida Alice
Justice, Eliza F April 1861     Justice, John Butler, Nancy
Justice, Elizabeth 17 January 1792 19 May 1822 Osborn, Newman  
Justice, Elizabeth 1845     Justice, John Butler, Nancy
Justice, Emily A. about 1858     Justice, Harvey Templeton, Dovey Amanda
Justice, Gertrude Vivian 19 March 1908 30 April 1975 Brewster, Harold Theodore Justice, Linnaens"Lennie" Loring McCoy, Ida Alice
Justice, Harvey January 1826 21 January 1908 Templeton, Dovey Amanda  
Justice, James 1860     Justice, John Butler, Nancy
Justice, James G 26 January 1905     Justice, Linnaens"Lennie" Loring McCoy, Ida Alice
Justice, James M. December 1856     Justice, Harvey Templeton, Dovey Amanda
Justice, John 24 June 1820 11 December 1889 Butler, Nancy Justice, Abraham Stonecipher, Mahattie
Justice, Lela Marie 10 March 1906   West, Elmon Dayton Justice, Linnaens"Lennie" Loring McCoy, Ida Alice
Justice, Linnaens“Lennie” Loring July 1861   McCoy, Ida Alice Justice, Harvey Templeton, Dovey Amanda
Justice, Lucy A. 1855     Justice, John Butler, Nancy
Justice, Mahala August 1854     Justice, John Butler, Nancy
Justice, Mary 1846     Justice, John Butler, Nancy
Justice, Moses 4 December 1735 6 September 1802 , Wife Justice, Peter Manson, Anne
Justice, Moses 3 March 1760 7 November 1829 , Wife Justice, Moses , Wife
Justice, Mounce 30 March 1659 17 September 1737 , Wife Justes, Mounce , Wife
Justice, Nancy 1858     Justice, John Butler, Nancy
Justice, Peter 1 August 1700 3 January 1763 Manson, Anne Justice, Mounce , Wife
Justice, Raymond Dewey 6 January 1899     Justice, Linnaens"Lennie" Loring McCoy, Ida Alice
Justice, Sarah Jane 1852     Justice, John Butler, Nancy
Justice, [Living]       Justice, Harvey Templeton, Dovey Amanda
Justice, [Living]       Justice, Harvey Templeton, Dovey Amanda