
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Montmorency. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Montmorency, Aelis de 1129   Montmorency, Mathieu de I Plantagenet of England, AliceAline Fitz Roy
Montmorency, Alice De 1170 24 February 1221 Montfort, Simon De V The Crusader Montmorency, Bouchard V De Flanders, Florence Laurette De
Montmorency, Bouchard IV de 1064 2 January 1132 Beaumont, Agnes de Montmorency, Herve de Eu, Agnes de
Montmorency, Bouchard V De 1130 1189 Flanders, Florence Laurette De Montmorency, Mathieu de I Plantagenet of England, AliceAline Fitz Roy
Montmorency, François Guy de about 1450 1500 Alencon, Catherine d'  
Montmorency, Henri de 1127 24 July 1160   Montmorency, Mathieu de I Plantagenet of England, AliceAline Fitz Roy
Montmorency, Herve De 1045 1110 Beaumont, Isabel Elizabeth De  
Montmorency, Herve De 1134 1192   Montmorency, Mathieu de I Plantagenet of England, AliceAline Fitz Roy
Montmorency, Herve de 1045 1094 Eu, Agnes de  
Montmorency, Mathieu de I 1110 1 August 1160 Plantagenet of England, AliceAline Fitz Roy, Savoy, Adelaide Adele of Montmorency, Bouchard IV de Beaumont, Agnes de
Montmorency, Mathieu de 1138 1202   Montmorency, Mathieu de I Plantagenet of England, AliceAline Fitz Roy