
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Scofield. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Scofield, Andrew 10 August 1760 1761   Scofield, John Marshall, Rachel
Scofield, Ann 2 June 1757 1758   Scofield, John Marshall, Rachel
Scofield, David 1730 1737   Scofield, John Lenwire, Ann
Scofield, Isaac 1728 1729   Scofield, John Lenwire, Ann
Scofield, Issachar 17 June 1765 1766   Scofield, John Marshall, Rachel
Scofield, Jane 1726 1727   Scofield, John Lenwire, Ann
Scofield, John 26 June 1669 1760 Lenwire, Ann  
Scofield, John 1722 1795 Marshall, Rachel Scofield, John Lenwire, Ann
Scofield, Jonathan 1742 1743   Scofield, John Lenwire, Ann
Scofield, Joseph 11 September 1762 1763   Scofield, John Marshall, Rachel
Scofield, Mahlon 2 October 1769 28 May 1854 Neill, Ann Scofield, John Marshall, Rachel
Scofield, Phoebe 1739 1740   Scofield, John Lenwire, Ann
Scofield, Rachel Neill 9 August 1813 17 November 1874 Hoge, Isaac Scofield, Mahlon Neill, Ann
Scofield, Samual 1734 1735   Scofield, John Lenwire, Ann
Scofield, Thomas 1732 1733   Scofield, John Lenwire, Ann
Scofield, William 14 December 1752 1784   Scofield, John Marshall, Rachel
Scofield, William Jolliffe 2 July 1820 29 September 1909 Hartshorne, Jane Scofield, Mahlon Neill, Ann