
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Bell. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Bell, Edith 1682 1750 Hill, Thomas  
Bell, Edward 1513 1576 Barley, Margaret Bell, William Knight Matthew, Joan
Bell, Hattie Myrtle 1903 1968 Hendricks, Charles “Spiz” Elmer, Johnson, Thomas Franklin  
Bell, James Miles Drew 16 June 1824 23 April 1904 McCracken, Lucy Matilda  
Bell, Jean 1706 1810 Byrd, William  
Bell, Jenit 3 July 1720 13 July 1791 Scoby, Matthew Bell, John Kinnaird, Janet
Bell, John     Kinnaird, Janet  
Bell, Joseph 1835 11 March 1863 Bobbitt, Martha Van Buren  
Bell, Mary Caroline 12 December 1835 15 June 1929 Fly, George Washington Lafayette  
Bell, Rachel     Basford, Thomas George  
Bell, Rachel 28 December 1778 23 July 1859 Egbert, John  
Bell, Sarah Mildred 1 January 1894 10 December 1919 Slife, Harold Dale  
Bell, William Knight 1490 1550 Matthew, Joan