
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Porter. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Porter     Claypool, Jewel G.  
Porter, Ann 1588 21 August 1654 Sturman, Thomas Porter, Robert Plomer, Margaret
Porter, Anthony 1528 15 November 1567 Stradling, Grysogona Porter, William Gifford, Margaret
Porter, Edward 1530 1563 Cowtcher, Mary Porter, John Nash, Alice
Porter, Elizabeth 1532   Connard, George Porter, John Nash, Alice
Porter, Ella M.     King, Josiah D.  
Porter, George Bartlett 28 January 1889 1 March 1954 Cain, Ethel Laura  
Porter, James G. 13 June 1811 10 September 1889 Curry, Elizabeth  
Porter, Jasper Newton 29 February 1856 17 May 1935 Buckington, Ella Blanche Porter, James G. Curry, Elizabeth
Porter, Joan about 1535   Crabbe, John Porter, John Nash, Alice
Porter, John 1502 1534 Nash, Alice Porter, William Gifford, Margaret
Porter, John 1529 19 December 1577 Rogers, Catherine Porter, John Nash, Alice
Porter, John 1560 26 April 1611 Thomas, Anne Porter, Edward Cowtcher, Mary
Porter, John Harry 9 January 1862 1899 Jarrette, Hazel Porter, James G. Curry, Elizabeth
Porter, Margery 1510 Salway, Thomas Porter, William Gifford, Margaret
Porter, Mary 1553 1653 Wheeler, Gilbert Porter, Edward Cowtcher, Mary
Porter, Mary Nash 1533     Porter, John Nash, Alice
Porter, Minerva 1833   Hoylman, William T.  
Porter, Richard 1370 1453 Porter, Robert Turner, Sarah
Porter, Richard 1429 1513 Latimer, Elizabeth Porter, William
Porter, Robert 1330 Turner, Sarah Port, Henry de
Porter, Robert 1547 21 February 1624 Plomer, Margaret Porter, Edward Cowtcher, Mary
Porter, Sarah M. 19 September 1858 22 December 1860   Porter, James G. Curry, Elizabeth
Porter, William 1403 1453 Porter, Richard
Porter, William 1480 Gifford, Margaret Porter, Richard Latimer, Elizabeth