
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Eu. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Eu, Agnes de 1057 1074 Montmorency, Herve de  
Eu, Alice De 1180 15 May 1246 Lusignan, Raoul De Count of Eu Eu, Henry De II Warenne, Matilda (Maud) De
Eu, Henry De II 1146 17 March 1183 Warenne, Matilda (Maud) De Aubigny, Alice d'
Eu, Margaret D' 1040 1119 Bohun, Henry de Eu, William Troyes d' Soissons, Aelis
Eu, William Troyes d' 1015 1076 Soissons, Aelis Normandy, William of Count of Eu Harcourt, Lezeline de