
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Goodrich. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Goodrich, Alfred Albert 23 March 1895 31 October 1983 Williams, Mary Elizabeth Gutekunst "Goodrich", Gottfried "Fred" Hetzer, Pauline
Goodrich, Alice Marie 1 August 1905 14 March 1986 Medler, Lawrence A. Gutekunst "Goodrich", Gottfried "Fred" Hetzer, Pauline
Goodrich, Carl G. 1908   Dawson, Henrietta Gutekunst "Goodrich", Gottfried "Fred" Hetzer, Pauline
Goodrich, Fanny 16 February 1789 13 November 1855 Simerwell, Robert  
Goodrich, Florence B. 1900   Plowman, Forrest Llewellyn Gutekunst "Goodrich", Gottfried "Fred" Hetzer, Pauline
Goodrich, James Carl 22 May 1933 14 February 2008 Rodebaugh, Phyllis Jean Goodrich, Carl G. Dawson, Henrietta
Goodrich, John Wayne 28 December 1944 21 January 1978   Goodrich, Wayne Albert , Marion Elizabeth
Goodrich, Pauline April 1885   Tank, Charles Fred Gutekunst "Goodrich", Gottfried "Fred" Hetzer, Pauline
Goodrich, Walter Andrew 2 August 1902 11 December 1987 Norris, Stella M. Gutekunst "Goodrich", Gottfried "Fred" Hetzer, Pauline
Goodrich, Wayne Albert 20 April 1916 8 November 1997 , Marion Elizabeth Goodrich, Alfred Albert Williams, Mary Elizabeth
Goodrich, William November 1897     Gutekunst "Goodrich", Gottfried "Fred" Hetzer, Pauline
Goodrich, [Living]       Goodrich, [Living] , [Living]
Goodrich, [Living]       Goodrich, [Living] , [Living]
Goodrich, [Living]       Goodrich, [Living] , [Living]
Goodrich, [Living]     , [Living]  
Goodrich, [Living]       Goodrich, Alfred Albert Williams, Mary Elizabeth
Goodrich, [Living]       Goodrich, Alfred Albert Williams, Mary Elizabeth
Goodrich, [Living]       Goodrich, Carl G. Dawson, Henrietta
Goodrich, [Living]       Goodrich, Alfred Albert Williams, Mary Elizabeth
Goodrich, [Living]       Goodrich, Alfred Albert Williams, Mary Elizabeth
Goodrich, [Living]     Prether, Cheryl Joann, , [Living] Goodrich, James Carl Rodebaugh, Phyllis Jean
Goodrich, [Living]     Burnham, [Living], Gilkyson, [Living], Montgomery, [Living] Goodrich, James Carl Rodebaugh, Phyllis Jean