
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Stebbing. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Stebbing 1380    
Stebbing, Alice 1480 1505 Stebbing, John  
Stebbing, Alice 1505 1572 Adams, Richard  
Stebbing, Catherine 1484 1512 Adams, John Stebbing, John Borroridge, Alice
Stebbing, John 1460 1490 Borroridge, Alice Stebbing, William Small, Mabell
Stebbing, John 1475 1505 Stebbing, Alice Stebbing, John Borroridge, Alice
Stebbing, Rose Dunkin 1536 20 September 1598 Adams, Henry  
Stebbing, Walter 1430 1455 Bodrugan, Christina Stebbinh, Walter, Stebbing
Stebbing, William 1450 1482 Small, Mabell Stebbing, Walter Bodrugan, Christina