
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Hilleary. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Hilleary, Chamberly 1600 1697  
Hilleary, Eleanor 1665     Hilleary, Thomas Hilleary, Wife
Hilleary, Eleanor 20 September 1728 14 February 1787 Williams, Baruch Hilleary, Thomas Young, Eleanor
Hilleary, Elizabeth 1657 1731 Lyles, Robert  
Hilleary, Elizabeth 1662 1727 Lyles, Robert Hilleary, Thomas Hilleary, Wife
Hilleary, Elizabeth 7 November 1716   Wooten Hilleary, Thomas Young, Eleanor
Hilleary, Henry Odell 15 February 1726 17 May 1783 Magruder, Cassandra Hilleary, Thomas Young, Eleanor
Hilleary, John   about 1698   Hilleary, Thomas Hilleary, Wife
Hilleary, John 1710 1755 King, Margaret Hilleary, Thomas Young, Eleanor
Hilleary, Sarah 1712 2 May 1791 Macgill, James Hilleary, Thomas Young, Eleanor
Hilleary, Thomas   before 1681   Hilleary, Thomas Hilleary, Wife
Hilleary, Thomas 1640 15 March 1697 Hilleary, Wife, Sprigg, Eleanor Hilleary, Chamberly
Hilleary, Thomas 1686 14 February 1728 Young, Eleanor Hilleary, Thomas Sprigg, Eleanor
Hilleary, Thomas Jr. 1708 9 November 1727 Odell, Sarah Hilleary, Thomas Young, Eleanor
Hilleary, Wife     Hilleary, Thomas  
Hilleary, William 1717 1797 Crabb, Margaret Hilleary, Thomas Young, Eleanor