
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Baer. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Baer, Beatrice Ann 6 November 1914 9 July 1993 Chananie, Lester Nathan Ural Baer, [Living] , [Living]
Baer, Catharine 1573 4 August 1624 Schmid, Martin Bär, Hanß Görg Beyhl, Maria
Baer, Charles S. 14 December 1883 7 February 1965 Mathews, Georgie Baer, Daniel S. Hoyleman, Fannie Alice
Baer, Daniel S. 16 March 1856 2 March 1926 Hoyleman, Fannie Alice  
Baer, Della M. 7 November 1886 11 March 1980 Stanley, Isaiah Moses Baer, Daniel S. Hoyleman, Fannie Alice
Baer, Effie Pearl 3 February 1893 9 September 1978 Urbach, Henry William Baer, Daniel S. Hoyleman, Fannie Alice
Baer, Faye A. 7 October 1897 9 February 1963 Lodes, Fred G Baer, Daniel S. Hoyleman, Fannie Alice
Baer, Grace Addie 6 October 1900 11 June 1902   Baer, Daniel S. Hoyleman, Fannie Alice
Baer, Simon R. 13 May 1890 7 June 1963 Miller, Mami Baer, Daniel S. Hoyleman, Fannie Alice
Baer, [Living]     , [Living]  
Baer, [Living]       Baer, [Living] , [Living]
Baer, [Living]       Baer, [Living] , [Living]