
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Young. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Young, Agnes Margaret     Cheney of Shurland, William  
Young, Anne 1669 1720 Bowen, Charles Young, George Rousey, Elizabeth
Young, Arthur 1658 30 May 1711 Waring, Anne Young, William Dale, Elizabeth
Young, Benjamin 1671 1718   Young, George Rousey, Elizabeth
Young, Bill November 1844      
Young, Eleanor 1687 26 January 1747 Hilleary, Thomas Young, George Rousey, Elizabeth
Young, Eliza 17 October 1808 16 September 1889 Van Note, Jacob Young, James Mirvel, Dorcus
Young, Elizabeth 1588 1639 Moore, Thomas Youngs, Christopher Rev. Hayward, Agnes
Young, Elizabeth 14 April 1693 1750 Whaley, James Young, William K. Williamson, Katherine G.
Young, Elizabeth May 1842 1927 Hawn, Jonathan N.  
Young, Eugene M. 6 November 1927 29 September 1999   Young, Lawrence Albert Butler, Bessie Faye
Young, Francis 6 March 1585 10 January 1598   Youngs, Christopher Rev. Hayward, Agnes
Young, Francis 1677     Young, George Rousey, Elizabeth
Young, George 1648 7 June 1718 Rousey, Elizabeth, Young, William Dale, Elizabeth
Young, George 5 January 1652 7 June 1718 Rousey, Elizabeth, Young, Richard Parker, Thomasine
Young, Grace 1685   Miller Young, George Rousey, Elizabeth
Young, Henry 1674     Young, George Rousey, Elizabeth
Young, James 1775 1856 Mirvel, Dorcus  
Young, James 21 May 1789 29 June 1867 Eastburn, Eunice  
Young, James E. about 1825 Pettit, Mary Ann, Sturgis, Mary Ellen  
Young, Jane 1697   Clagett, Charles  
Young, Joan 1632   Young, Richard Smith, Joan
Young, John 1675     Young, George Rousey, Elizabeth
Young, John 13 July 1791 31 December 1861 Eastburn, Hannah  
Young, John M. 1793   Claypool, Hester Jane  
Young, Lawrence Albert 1902 23 June 2002 Butler, Bessie Faye Young, William C. Sanders, Larinda J
Young, Lucinda 11 November 1814 26 January 1910 Masters, Squire Davis  
Young, Mary 1683     Young, George Rousey, Elizabeth
Young, Nancy 1802 1825 Eastburn, John  
Young, Richard 1590 1660 Smith, Joan Youngs, Christopher Rev. Hayward, Agnes
Young, Richard 1627 1650 Parker, Thomasine Young, Richard Smith, Joan
Young, Richard Pruitt 28 May 1825 4 November 1858    
Young, Samuel 1631 1650   Young, Richard Smith, Joan
Young, Samuel 1662 7 July 1736 Hill, Mary Young, William Dale, Elizabeth
Young, Sarah 1675 6 August 1742 MOTTRAM, Spencer, Howson, William Young, William Dale, Elizabeth
Young, Sarah 1679 13 October 1747 Smith, John ‘Hall’s Creek’ Young, George Rousey, Elizabeth
Young, Steve about 1861   Bullock, Emma L.  
Young, Thomas 1520 14 June 1626 Cliff, Relecta  
Young, Thomas 30 October 1781 7 November 1848 Duckett, Susanna “Sookie”,  
Young, William 13 August 1676 Dale, Elizabeth Young, Richard Parker, Thomasine
Young, William 1591     Youngs, Christopher Rev. Hayward, Agnes
Young, William 1659 10 January 1699 Dale, Elizabeth  
Young, William 1671 1732 BOURNE, Rebecca Young, George Rousey, Elizabeth
Young, William 1677 17 March 1718 Williamson, Catherine Young, William Dale, Elizabeth
Young, William C. November 1844 about 1935 Sanders, Larinda J  
Young, William K. 1675 1716 Williamson, Katherine G. Young, William Dale, Elizabeth
Young, William M. 1845 1939 Hawn, Bersheba Ann  
Young, [Living]     Hays, [Living]