This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Cantilupe. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name | Birth | Death | Partner | Parents |
Cantilupe, George | 29 March 1252 | 18 October 1273 | Cantilupe, William De II Braose, Eva De | |
Cantilupe, Juliana de | 1192 | 6 August 1285 | Tregoz, Robert de II | |
Cantilupe, Millicent De | 1246 | 6 January 1298 | Zouche, Eudo De La | Cantilupe, William De II Braose, Eva De |
Cantilupe, Walter | 1102 | 1212 | Maine, Ermengarde du | Cantelou, Gilbert Fitz Richard de |
Cantilupe, Walter | 1128 | 1182 | Dynan, Melette De | Cantilupe, Walter Maine, Ermengarde du |
Cantilupe, William I | 1159 | 7 April 1239 | Braci, Mecelin De | Cantilupe, Walter Dynan, Melette De |
Cantilupe, William De II | 1216 | 25 September 1254 | Braose, Eva De | Cantilupe, William de II Gournai, Milicent |
Cantilupe, William de II | 1185 | 7 April 1239 | Gournai, Milicent | Cantilupe, William I Braci, Mecelin De |