This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Dacre. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name | Birth | Death | Partner | Parents |
Dacre, Humphrey | 1100 | 1125 | Bardolf, Anne | |
Dacre, Humphrey | 1200 | Harrington, Christiana | Dacre, Thomas Mowbray, Mabel De | |
Dacre, Joan | 1283 | 2 July 1347 | Harrington, John De | Dacre, William Garnett, Joan |
Dacre, Joan | 1382 | 1456 | Musgrave, Thomas | |
Dacre, Mary | 1502 | 29 March 1538 | Talbot, Francis | |
Dacre, Randolph | 1240 | 3 May 1286 | Lucy, Joan Multon | Dacre, Thomas Morley, Joan |
Dacre, Richard | 1125 | 1175 | Beaumont, Emma | Dacre, Humphrey Bardolf, Anne |
Dacre, Thomas | 1175 | 1225 | Mowbray, Mabel De | Dacre, William DeGREY, Mabilia |
Dacre, Thomas | 1220 | 1247 | Morley, Joan | Dacre, Humphrey Harrington, Christiana |
Dacre, William | 1150 | 1200 | DeGREY, Mabilia | Dacre, Richard Beaumont, Emma |
Dacre, William | 12 March 1265 | 1318 | Garnett, Joan | Dacre, Randolph Lucy, Joan Multon |