
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Dacre. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Dacre, Humphrey 1100 1125 Bardolf, Anne  
Dacre, Humphrey 1200 Harrington, Christiana Dacre, Thomas Mowbray, Mabel De
Dacre, Joan 1283 2 July 1347 Harrington, John De Dacre, William Garnett, Joan
Dacre, Joan 1382 1456 Musgrave, Thomas  
Dacre, Mary 1502 29 March 1538 Talbot, Francis  
Dacre, Randolph 1240 3 May 1286 Lucy, Joan Multon Dacre, Thomas Morley, Joan
Dacre, Richard 1125 1175 Beaumont, Emma Dacre, Humphrey Bardolf, Anne
Dacre, Thomas 1175 1225 Mowbray, Mabel De Dacre, William DeGREY, Mabilia
Dacre, Thomas 1220 1247 Morley, Joan Dacre, Humphrey Harrington, Christiana
Dacre, William 1150 1200 DeGREY, Mabilia Dacre, Richard Beaumont, Emma
Dacre, William 12 March 1265 1318 Garnett, Joan Dacre, Randolph Lucy, Joan Multon