
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Morrison. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Morrison, Alexander F. before 1830   Morrison, Malcolm Fraser, Mary
Morrison, Jane E. about 1797 Jordan, Obadiah Morrison, Malcolm Fraser, Mary
Morrison, John about 1795 before 1842   Morrison, Malcolm Fraser, Mary
Morrison, Loyd Dell 4 February 1926 21 January 2012 Shipley, Patsy Lou  
Morrison, Malcolm 1755 1815 Fraser, Mary  
Morrison, Margaret before 1842 Biggum, John Morrison, Malcolm Fraser, Mary
Morrison, Mary 1805   Woodward, William W. Morrison, Malcolm Fraser, Mary
Morrison, Nancy about 1794 June 1849   Morrison, Malcolm Fraser, Mary
Morrison, Sarah P. “Sally” 1801 1880 Montgomery, John Morrison, Malcolm Fraser, Mary
Morrison, William B   before 1830   Morrison, Malcolm Fraser, Mary