
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of McClelland. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
McClelland, Frances G January 1850     McClelland, John Craig Saunders, Alfurna
McClelland, James 1856     McClelland, John Craig Saunders, Alfurna
McClelland, John Craig 1828 1 December 1887 Saunders, Alfurna  
McClelland, Margaret Fanetta 12 October 1840 4 October 1925 Winters, Ebenezer  
McClelland, Milton Lake March 1869     McClelland, John Craig Saunders, Alfurna
McClelland, Mollie Elizabeth about 1867 8 December 1935   McClelland, John Craig Saunders, Alfurna
McClelland, Narcissa E. 7 February 1854 5 October 1941 Montgomery, William B. McClelland, John Craig Saunders, Alfurna
McClelland, Nellie Ann 8 February 1889 26 February 1978 Phillips, James William  
McClelland, Rachel Ellen 23 July 1832 4 July 1860    
McClelland, Richard 14 June 1805 22 July 1886