
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Fett. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Fett     Armstrong  
Fett, Albert 31 January 1877 15 September 1950 Handlen, Sallie Ann Fett, Thomas Hilty, Catherine
Fett, Darwin Albert 8 July 1912 2005   Fett, Albert Handlen, Sallie Ann
Fett, David November 1856 14 May 1926 Parlier, Eliza K. Fett, Thomas Hilty, Catherine
Fett, Dimple Edna 29 March 1910 24 April 1986 Rodebaugh, Leon Glen Fett, Albert Handlen, Sallie Ann
Fett, Edward 31 FEB 1868 20 November 1960 , [Living], Conrad, Louisa Fett, Thomas Hilty, Catherine
Fett, Elias 1860 5 June 1939 Hochstetler, Mary, Hochstetler, Malinda Fett, Thomas Hilty, Catherine
Fett, Ella 20 March 1873   Fenton, Charles Gardner Fett, Thomas Hilty, Catherine
Fett, Emelia about 1864     Fett, Thomas Hilty, Catherine
Fett, Emma 17 March 1857 20 July 1933   Fett, Thomas Hilty, Catherine
Fett, Gertrude about 1908 23 June 1991   Fett, Albert Handlen, Sallie Ann
Fett, Harley Floyd 1 May 1891 17 May 1967 Will, Martha Fett, Edward Conrad, Louisa
Fett, Hazel 5 August 1906 16 April 1994   Fett, Albert Handlen, Sallie Ann
Fett, Helen L. 20 November 1918 August 1955   Fett, Albert Handlen, Sallie Ann
Fett, Isaac 13 December 1858 27 July 1892   Fett, Thomas Hilty, Catherine
Fett, John 20 February 1862 14 May 1926 Stratton, Eliza Ann Fett, Thomas Hilty, Catherine
Fett, Loraine Fay 1914     Fett, Albert Handlen, Sallie Ann
Fett, Mabel Ada 8 November 1893 24 June 1986 Bigger, James Edward Fett, David Parlier, Eliza K.
Fett, May 16 May 1866 26 June 1900 Badertscher, John J. Fett, Thomas Hilty, Catherine
Fett, Melva Alice 1904 April 1964   Fett, Albert Handlen, Sallie Ann
Fett, Melva Alice 24 February 1904 3 January 1964 Rodebaugh, George H. Fett, Albert Handlen, Sallie Ann
Fett, Merle Mary 1905 April 1964   Fett, Albert Handlen, Sallie Ann
Fett, Raymond Parlier 18 March 1903 25 July 1979 Camicia, Carmel Ann Fett, David Parlier, Eliza K.
Fett, Roy W. July 1898     Fett, David Parlier, Eliza K.
Fett, Samuel A 10 January 1875   Cozman, Cora A, , [Living] Fett, Thomas Hilty, Catherine
Fett, Thomas 31 July 1832 13 January 1916 Hilty, Catherine Fett Armstrong
Fett, Thomas 5 April 1872     Fett, Thomas Hilty, Catherine
Fett, [Living]       Fett, Thomas Hilty, Catherine
Fett, [Living]       Fett, Thomas Hilty, Catherine