
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Wallace. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Wallace, Guy Franklin 1 June 1888 1950 Dunn, Hazel Adele  
Wallace, Jean 6 June 1738 1821 Poage, Robert Wallace, William Woods, Hannah
Wallace, John 1530 10 August 1570 Cunningham, Margaret Wallace, William Kennedy, Margery Sophia
Wallace, John 1682     Wallace, Samuel Crawford, Beatrix
Wallace, Matthew 1684     Wallace, Samuel Crawford, Beatrix
Wallace, Nancy Carol 1801 1860 Rogers, James Edward Peleg,  
Wallace, Peter 1 January 1680 1723 Woods, Elizabeth Wallace, Samuel Crawford, Beatrix
Wallace, Robert 1560 1600 Campbell, Isabel Wallace, John Cunningham, Margaret
Wallace, Robert 1600 21 May 1681 , Janet, Wallace, Robert Campbell, Isabel
Wallace, Samuel 1635 1682 Crawford, Beatrix Wallace, Robert , Janet
Wallace, William 1513 1538 Kennedy, Margery Sophia  
Wallace, William 1706 1766 Woods, Hannah Wallace, Peter Woods, Elizabeth