
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Booth. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Booth, Alice 1480 1512   Booth, John Byron, Margaret
Booth, Ann 7 March 1647 4 March 1717 Dennett, Thomas Capt., Clopton, William Booth, Robert Dr. Burgress, Frances
Booth, Edward 1568 1622 Anderson, Katherine Booth, William Warburton, Elizabeth
Booth, Eleanor 1649 1710   Booth, Robert Dr. Burgress, Frances
Booth, Elizabeth 1645 October 1672 Napier, Patrick Booth, Robert Dr. Burgress, Frances
Booth, John 1435 9 September 1513 Byron, Margaret  
Booth, Margery 1380 1460 Byron, John  
Booth, Marith 1798   Mathews, James  
Booth, Mary Grace 15 March 1706 1764 Parkins, Isaac BOOTH, Charles CONWAY, Elizabeth
Booth, Mercy Mary 1663 1694 Perkins, Ebenezer  
Booth, Robert Dr. 1610 26 October 1657 Burgress, Frances Booth, Edward Anderson, Katherine
Booth, Robert 1651 1686 Bray, Anne Booth, Robert Dr. Burgress, Frances
Booth, William       Booth, Robert Dr. Burgress, Frances
Booth, William 1541 28 November 1579 Warburton, Elizabeth