
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Dunn. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Dunn, Cyrus 1871 McCoy, Ida Alice  
Dunn, Hazel Adele 24 June 1893   Wallace, Guy Franklin Dunn, Cyrus McCoy, Ida Alice
Dunn, John Edward March 1850   O'Brien, Winifred  
Dunn, Lewis August 1874     Dunn, John Edward O'Brien, Winifred
Dunn, Lucinda E. 29 May 1814 3 May 1885 Carter, James Williamson  
Dunn, Martha Elizabeth 1772 27 September 1860 Osborn, Reuben  
Dunn, Rose Ann June 1880     Dunn, John Edward O'Brien, Winifred
Dunn, Winifred February 1873 28 May 1937 Hayden, Hugh Dunn, John Edward O'Brien, Winifred
Dunn, [Living]     Harmon, Clell Francis