
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Collins. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Collins, Agnes 1386 1463 Cockburn, William  
Collins, Dovie 10 September 1939 10 June 2009 Johnson, James Walter JW  
Collins, Elizabeth 1617 Wheeler, Edward  
Collins, Jefferson Davis 8 January 1862 2 September 1906 Cunningham, Missouri Belle  
Collins, Jefferson Davis 8 January 1862 2 September 1906 Cunningham, Missouri Belle  
Collins, Lovilla 15 December 1823 28 January 1888 Brown, Amos Rev.  
Collins, Mary 1618   Wheeler, John  
Collins, Matilda Jane 13 May 1894 24 January 1988 Galbraith, Thomas Brackett  
Collins, Rachel 1830 1886 Smith, Sturgis, Daniel Bartlett Dr.