This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Middleton. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name | Birth | Death | Partner | Parents |
Middleton, Alice | 1458 | 1498 | Peck, Richard | Middleton, Peter Vavasour, Ann |
Middleton, Anna | 1390 | 1425 | Manners, John | Middleton, John Strivelyn, Christiana |
Middleton, Elizabeth | 1412 | Duckett, Thomas | Middleton, Thomas Musgrave, Isabel Mabell | |
Middleton, Hannah | 7 December 1778 | 17 January 1856 | Davies, Harmon | |
Middleton, Hugh De | 1213 | 1243 | , Hipolitus | Brame, Hipolitus de Lord of Middleton |
Middleton, Joan | 1362 | 1427 | Brocas, Bernard | Middleton, Thomas Gramary, Elisabeth |
Middleton, John | 1342 | 9 August 1396 | Strivelyn, Christiana | Middleton, Thomas Gramary, Elisabeth |
Middleton, John | 1410 | 1478 | Thwaytes, Maud | Middleton, Thomas Heaton, Margaret De |
Middleton, Mabel | 1456 | 1492 | Bellingham, Roger | Middleton, Thomas Musgrave, Isabel Mabell |
Middleton, Margaret | 1409 | Redman, Richard | Middleton, Thomas Musgrave, Isabel Mabell | |
Middleton, Mary | 17 May 1705 | 16 December 1761 | Vining, Benjamin, Ridgely, Nicholas Greenberry | |
Middleton, Peter | 1426 | 21 April 1499 | Vavasour, Ann | Middleton, John Thwaytes, Maud |
Middleton, Peter de | 1290 | 1335 | Plumpton, Eustacia de | Middleton, William de Boteler, Agnes De |
Middleton, Robert De | 1239 | 1285 | Middleton, Hugh De , Hipolitus | |
Middleton, Thomas | 1325 | Gramary, Elisabeth | Middleton, Peter de Plumpton, Eustacia de | |
Middleton, Thomas | 1370 | Heaton, Margaret De | ||
Middleton, Thomas | 1390 | 2 December 1474 | Musgrave, Isabel Mabell | Middleton, John Strivelyn, Christiana |
Middleton, William de | about 1269 | 1318 | Boteler, Agnes De | Middleton, Robert De |