
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Middleton. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Middleton, Alice 1458 1498 Peck, Richard Middleton, Peter Vavasour, Ann
Middleton, Anna 1390 1425 Manners, John Middleton, John Strivelyn, Christiana
Middleton, Elizabeth 1412 Duckett, Thomas Middleton, Thomas Musgrave, Isabel Mabell
Middleton, Hannah 7 December 1778 17 January 1856 Davies, Harmon  
Middleton, Hugh De 1213 1243 , Hipolitus Brame, Hipolitus de Lord of Middleton
Middleton, Joan 1362 1427 Brocas, Bernard Middleton, Thomas Gramary, Elisabeth
Middleton, John 1342 9 August 1396 Strivelyn, Christiana Middleton, Thomas Gramary, Elisabeth
Middleton, John 1410 1478 Thwaytes, Maud Middleton, Thomas Heaton, Margaret De
Middleton, Mabel 1456 1492 Bellingham, Roger Middleton, Thomas Musgrave, Isabel Mabell
Middleton, Margaret 1409 Redman, Richard Middleton, Thomas Musgrave, Isabel Mabell
Middleton, Mary 17 May 1705 16 December 1761 Vining, Benjamin, Ridgely, Nicholas Greenberry  
Middleton, Peter 1426 21 April 1499 Vavasour, Ann Middleton, John Thwaytes, Maud
Middleton, Peter de 1290 1335 Plumpton, Eustacia de Middleton, William de Boteler, Agnes De
Middleton, Robert De 1239 1285 Middleton, Hugh De , Hipolitus
Middleton, Thomas 1325   Gramary, Elisabeth Middleton, Peter de Plumpton, Eustacia de
Middleton, Thomas 1370   Heaton, Margaret De  
Middleton, Thomas 1390 2 December 1474 Musgrave, Isabel Mabell Middleton, John Strivelyn, Christiana
Middleton, William de about 1269 1318 Boteler, Agnes De Middleton, Robert De