
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Spruiell. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Spruiell, John James 7 May 1907 June 1975 , [Living] Spruiell, Thomas Newton Stuckey, Mary Ann "Mollie"
Spruiell, Mary Lou 10 August 1914 12 April 2008 Cantrell, Murray Max Spruiell, Thomas Newton Stuckey, Mary Ann "Mollie"
Spruiell, Roy E. 22 October 1905 11 June 2002 Edgeworth, Lona Lorene Spruiell, Thomas Newton Stuckey, Mary Ann "Mollie"
Spruiell, Thomas Elton 11 February 1909 19 August 1999 Cranford, Flora Murial Spruiell, Thomas Newton Stuckey, Mary Ann "Mollie"
Spruiell, Thomas Newton 13 November 1877 5 November 1960 Stuckey, Mary Ann “Mollie”  
Spruiell, [Living]       Spruiell, Thomas Newton Stuckey, Mary Ann "Mollie"